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Principal Investigator

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Dr. Angelo Iulianella, Professor and Principal Investigator

Dr. Angelo Iulianella completed his doctoral training with Dr. David Lohnes at the University of Montreal and Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal (IRCM), studying  the role of retinoid signalling during development. He then did his postdoctoral training, funded by a CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship, with Dr. Paul Trainor at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research (SIMR) in Kansas City. His research there led to the discovery of regulatory proteins (Cux1 and Cux2) that promote the formation of neurons. He also identified a novel mouse mutants affecting the Sonic Hedgehog pathway that led to craniofacial and open neural tube defects and alterations in the patterning of the nervous system. In 2009, he joined the Department of Medical Neuroscience at Dalhousie University where he established his research laboratory focused on uncovering the mechanisms regulating neurogenesis and neuronal connectivity. His research aims to reveal regulators of neural development and migration and identify molecular pathways implicated in the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders.

Current Members

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Dr. Emily Anne Witt, Killam Postdoctoral Fellow 

Emily is exploring cytoskeletal regulatory dynamics during synaptogenesis and connectivity in the CNS,  and behavioural consequences of cytoskeletal dysregulation during brain formation. She obtained a PhD from the Psychology program at University of North Carolina. (Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship).


Dr. Danielle Stanton-Turcotte, Research Associate

Danielle successfully defended her PhD on cortical development and is currently working as a research associate investigating cytoskeletal dynamics in growth cones,  receptor trafficking, and behavioural modelling of neurodevelopmental disorders. She obtained a BSc degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. (DMRF-Medical Neurosciences scholarship)


Basmah Hendy, Undergraduate Honours Research Student

Basmah is an undergraduate  student at Dalhousie's Psychology and Neuroscience program. Her honours project will be focused on the regulation of dendritic morphology of Purkinje neurons.  


Laura Harrison, Undergraduate Honours Research Student

Laura is an undergraduate student at Dalhousie's Psychology and Neuroscience program.  For her honours project she will investigate sensory innervation of the spinal cord.


Postdoctoral Scientists (awards):

Dr. Jessica Clark.  Pharmaceutical Industry, Research Associate Trinity Biotech, Ireland.

Dr. Makiko Yamada (Government of Canada Postdoctoral Research Fellowship). Senior Research Scientist, Sloan Kettering Institute, USA.


Research Assistants:

Karolynn Hsu

Di Shao


Graduate students (awards):

Marley Blommers (CGS-M). Enrolled at Dalhousie's Medical School.

Mohsen Heidari  (DMRF-Multiple Sclerosis MSc). Enrolled at Dalhousie's Medical School.

Samantha Moore (CGS-M). Enrolled at Dalhousie's Medical School.

Kaitlin Mac Donald. Enrolled in the PhD program at McGill University, (Biology).

Emily Capaldo (CGS-M scholarship). Graduated from Medical School.

Michelle Crawford. Audit analyst, Government of British Columbia.

Christine McClelland (NSERC Alexander Graham Bell MSc). Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry faculty, Dalhousie University.


Undergraduate Students (program & awards):

Pristine Garay (BSc Psychology and Neuroscience, Honours, 2023-2024).

Jinrong Ge (BSc Psychology and Neuroscience, independent studies, 2023-2024).

Nick Zinck (MD program, Research in Medicine Project, 2022-2024).

Haleigh Bach (BSc Psychology and Neuroscience, Honours, 2022-23).

Arlo Godel (BSc Medical Science, Honours, 2022-23).

Larissa Doiron (BSc Medical Science, NSERC-URSA 2022).

Emily Holt (BSc Medical Science, Honours thesis, NSERC-URSA 2020 & 2021).

Sinmisade Ayantoye (BSc Medical Sciences, Summer Student Research Program Award, Dalhousie University).

Kamatamu Karekezi (BSc Medical Sciences, Honours thesis)

Jane Girgulis (BSc Neuroscience, NSERC URSA summer student)

Rachel Kindellan (BSc Neuroscience, Honours thesis)

Celyna Arnold (BSc Neuroscience, independent studies)

Katie Girgulis (BSc Neuroscience, NSERC URSA summer student)

Erin Aubrey (BSc Neuroscience, independent studies)

Changsoo Lee (BSc Microbiology, independent studies)

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